
Comparing before and after in nvivo 12
Comparing before and after in nvivo 12

008) was significantly better before school (86.14 ± 11.01) than after-school (81.57 ± 12.14) and reaction time (p =. RESULTS: Significant differences for visual memory and reaction time were documented across time points. Statistical significance was set at a Bonferroni-corrected (p <. A series of paired samples t-tests were conducted for each CNT outcome score (verbal and visual memory, reaction time, processing speed) for both time points.

comparing before and after in nvivo 12

After receiving University IRB approval, 29 high school athletes completed CNT both before and after school. METHODS: A randomized crossover design was used for this study. PURPOSE: This study compared before-and after-school CNT performance in a sample of non-concussed high school athletes. The cognitive demands from an academic school day should be considered, and optimal timing for CNT assessment is unknown. One factor is cognitive fatigue from the academic school day. Previous literature has identified several factors that negatively influence CNT performance and may complicate post-injury assessment. Sport-related concussion (SRC) requires a multifaceted assessment and management approach that relies on computerized neurocognitive (CNT) assessments as an objective complement to subjective symptom reporting. Elbinĭepartment of Health, Human Performance and Recreation/Office for Sport Concussion Research, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas Morgan Anderson, Sam Mohler, Melissa Anderson, R.J.

Comparing before and after in nvivo 12